Free love: A case study of church-run home-based caregivers in a high vulnerability setting (Robin Root: Published in Global Public Health 2011)
"That's When Life Changed": Client Experiences of Church Run Home-based HIV/AIDS Care in Swaziland (Robin Root: HEARD)
A qualitative study of community home-based care and
ART adherence in Swaziland (Robin Root)
Reviewing 'Emergencies' for Swaziland: Shifting the Paradigm in a New Era (Alan Whiteside)
Service Availability Mapping - 2006-2007
Using Shiselweni Reformed Home-Based Care as
Model for the Church's Involvement in the
Community (Maryke Maartens)
The Effects of Absent Fathers In The Spreading of HIV/AIDS And The Role of The Church In Swaziland (Neville Curle)
God’s Missional People: Reflecting God’s Love In The Midst of Suffering And Affliction (Frans Hancke)
A qualitative study of community home-based care and antiretroviral adherence in Swaziland (Robin Root: Published in Journal of the International AIDS Society 2013)
The role of faith-based organisations in the care of people living with HIV/AIDS in Swaziland (Stephanie Clarkson)
Reckoning HIV/AIDS care: A longitudinal study of community home-based caregivers and clients in Swaziland (African Journal of AIDS Research 14 (3) 2015)
"We Smoke the Same Pipe": Religion and Community Home-Based Care for PLWH in Rural Swaziland (Medical Anthropology 36 (3) 2017)
Compendium of promising practices of African faith community interventions against paediatric and adolescent HIV (UNAIDS - pages 124-129)